* Inheritance: no
* Variants: no
Fields Summary:
- name [input]
- group [manyToOneRelation]
- reference [input]
- calculated [checkbox]
- useAsTargetGroup [checkbox]
- targetGroup [targetGroup]
return Pimcore\Model\DataObject\ClassDefinition::__set_state(array(
'id' => '2',
'name' => 'CustomerSegment',
'description' => '',
'creationDate' => 0,
'modificationDate' => 1617805478,
'userOwner' => 0,
'userModification' => 1,
'parentClass' => '\\CustomerManagementFrameworkBundle\\Model\\AbstractCustomerSegment',
'implementsInterfaces' => '',
'listingParentClass' => '',
'useTraits' => '',
'listingUseTraits' => '',
'encryption' => false,
'encryptedTables' =>
array (
'allowInherit' => false,
'allowVariants' => NULL,
'showVariants' => false,
'layoutDefinitions' =>
'fieldtype' => 'panel',
'layout' => NULL,
'border' => false,
'name' => 'pimcore_root',
'type' => NULL,
'region' => NULL,
'title' => NULL,
'width' => 0,
'height' => 0,
'collapsible' => false,
'collapsed' => false,
'bodyStyle' => NULL,
'datatype' => 'layout',
'permissions' => NULL,
'childs' =>
array (
0 =>
'fieldtype' => 'panel',
'layout' => NULL,
'border' => false,
'name' => 'Layout',
'type' => NULL,
'region' => NULL,
'title' => '',
'width' => NULL,
'height' => NULL,
'collapsible' => false,
'collapsed' => false,
'bodyStyle' => '',
'datatype' => 'layout',
'permissions' => NULL,
'childs' =>
array (
0 =>
'fieldtype' => 'fieldset',
'name' => 'Layout',
'type' => NULL,
'region' => NULL,
'title' => 'Settings',
'width' => NULL,
'height' => NULL,
'collapsible' => false,
'collapsed' => false,
'bodyStyle' => '',
'datatype' => 'layout',
'permissions' => NULL,
'childs' =>
array (
0 =>
'fieldtype' => 'input',
'width' => 400,
'defaultValue' => NULL,
'columnLength' => 255,
'regex' => '',
'unique' => false,
'showCharCount' => false,
'name' => 'name',
'title' => 'Segment name',
'tooltip' => '',
'mandatory' => false,
'noteditable' => false,
'index' => false,
'locked' => false,
'style' => '',
'permissions' => NULL,
'datatype' => 'data',
'relationType' => false,
'invisible' => false,
'visibleGridView' => true,
'visibleSearch' => true,
'blockedVarsForExport' =>
array (
'defaultValueGenerator' => '',
'locked' => false,
'blockedVarsForExport' =>
array (
'labelWidth' => 100,
'labelAlign' => 'left',
1 =>
'fieldtype' => 'fieldset',
'name' => 'Layout',
'type' => NULL,
'region' => NULL,
'title' => 'System information',
'width' => NULL,
'height' => NULL,
'collapsible' => false,
'collapsed' => false,
'bodyStyle' => '',
'datatype' => 'layout',
'permissions' => NULL,
'childs' =>
array (
0 =>
'fieldtype' => 'manyToOneRelation',
'width' => 700,
'assetUploadPath' => '',
'relationType' => true,
'objectsAllowed' => true,
'assetsAllowed' => false,
'assetTypes' =>
array (
'documentsAllowed' => false,
'documentTypes' =>
array (
'classes' =>
array (
'pathFormatterClass' => '',
'name' => 'group',
'title' => 'Group',
'tooltip' => 'Drag and drop segment into groups in the tree',
'mandatory' => false,
'noteditable' => true,
'index' => false,
'locked' => false,
'style' => '',
'permissions' => NULL,
'datatype' => 'data',
'invisible' => false,
'visibleGridView' => false,
'visibleSearch' => false,
'blockedVarsForExport' =>
array (
1 =>
'fieldtype' => 'input',
'width' => 400,
'defaultValue' => NULL,
'columnLength' => 255,
'regex' => '',
'unique' => NULL,
'showCharCount' => NULL,
'name' => 'reference',
'title' => 'Reference',
'tooltip' => 'needs to be unique within the group',
'mandatory' => false,
'noteditable' => true,
'index' => true,
'locked' => false,
'style' => '',
'permissions' => NULL,
'datatype' => 'data',
'relationType' => false,
'invisible' => false,
'visibleGridView' => true,
'visibleSearch' => true,
'blockedVarsForExport' =>
array (
'defaultValueGenerator' => '',
2 =>
'fieldtype' => 'checkbox',
'defaultValue' => 0,
'name' => 'calculated',
'title' => 'calculated',
'tooltip' => '',
'mandatory' => false,
'noteditable' => true,
'index' => false,
'locked' => false,
'style' => '',
'permissions' => NULL,
'datatype' => 'data',
'relationType' => false,
'invisible' => false,
'visibleGridView' => false,
'visibleSearch' => false,
'blockedVarsForExport' =>
array (
'defaultValueGenerator' => '',
3 =>
'fieldtype' => 'checkbox',
'defaultValue' => 0,
'name' => 'useAsTargetGroup',
'title' => 'Use As Target Group',
'tooltip' => '',
'mandatory' => false,
'noteditable' => false,
'index' => false,
'locked' => false,
'style' => '',
'permissions' => NULL,
'datatype' => 'data',
'relationType' => false,
'invisible' => false,
'visibleGridView' => false,
'visibleSearch' => false,
'blockedVarsForExport' =>
array (
'defaultValueGenerator' => '',
4 =>
'fieldtype' => 'targetGroup',
'options' =>
array (
0 =>
array (
'value' => 5,
'key' => 'economy-cars-fan',
1 =>
array (
'value' => 4,
'key' => 'luxury-cars-fan',
2 =>
array (
'value' => 1,
'key' => 'new-customer',
3 =>
array (
'value' => 2,
'key' => 'regular-customer',
4 =>
array (
'value' => 6,
'key' => 'sports-cars-fan',
5 =>
array (
'value' => 3,
'key' => 'vip-customer',
'width' => '',
'defaultValue' => NULL,
'optionsProviderClass' => NULL,
'optionsProviderData' => NULL,
'columnLength' => 190,
'dynamicOptions' => false,
'name' => 'targetGroup',
'title' => 'Linked TargetGroup',
'tooltip' => '',
'mandatory' => false,
'noteditable' => false,
'index' => false,
'locked' => false,
'style' => '',
'permissions' => NULL,
'datatype' => 'data',
'relationType' => false,
'invisible' => false,
'visibleGridView' => false,
'visibleSearch' => false,
'blockedVarsForExport' =>
array (
'defaultValueGenerator' => '',
'locked' => false,
'blockedVarsForExport' =>
array (
'labelWidth' => 100,
'labelAlign' => 'left',
'locked' => false,
'blockedVarsForExport' =>
array (
'icon' => NULL,
'labelWidth' => 100,
'labelAlign' => 'left',
'locked' => false,
'blockedVarsForExport' =>
array (
'icon' => NULL,
'labelWidth' => 100,
'labelAlign' => 'left',
'icon' => '/bundles/pimcorecustomermanagementframework/icons/segment.svg',
'previewUrl' => '',
'group' => 'CustomerManagement',
'showAppLoggerTab' => false,
'linkGeneratorReference' => '',
'compositeIndices' =>
array (
'generateTypeDeclarations' => true,
'showFieldLookup' => false,
'propertyVisibility' =>
array (
'grid' =>
array (
'id' => true,
'key' => false,
'path' => false,
'published' => true,
'modificationDate' => false,
'creationDate' => false,
'search' =>
array (
'id' => true,
'key' => false,
'path' => false,
'published' => true,
'modificationDate' => false,
'creationDate' => false,
'enableGridLocking' => false,
'dao' => NULL,
'blockedVarsForExport' =>
array (