* Pimcore
* This source file is available under two different licenses:
* - GNU General Public License version 3 (GPLv3)
* - Pimcore Commercial License (PCL)
* Full copyright and license information is available in
* LICENSE.md which is distributed with this source code.
* @copyright Copyright (c) Pimcore GmbH (http://www.pimcore.org)
* @license http://www.pimcore.org/license GPLv3 and PCL
namespace Pimcore\Model\Asset\Image\Thumbnail;
use League\Flysystem\FilesystemException;
use Pimcore\Config as PimcoreConfig;
use Pimcore\File;
use Pimcore\Helper\TemporaryFileHelperTrait;
use Pimcore\Logger;
use Pimcore\Messenger\OptimizeImageMessage;
use Pimcore\Model\Asset;
use Pimcore\Model\Tool\TmpStore;
use Pimcore\Tool\Storage;
use Symfony\Component\Lock\LockFactory;
* @internal
class Processor
use TemporaryFileHelperTrait;
* @var array
protected static $argumentMapping = [
'resize' => ['width', 'height'],
'scaleByWidth' => ['width', 'forceResize'],
'scaleByHeight' => ['height', 'forceResize'],
'contain' => ['width', 'height', 'forceResize'],
'cover' => ['width', 'height', 'positioning', 'forceResize'],
'frame' => ['width', 'height', 'forceResize'],
'trim' => ['tolerance'],
'rotate' => ['angle'],
'crop' => ['x', 'y', 'width', 'height'],
'setBackgroundColor' => ['color'],
'roundCorners' => ['width', 'height'],
'setBackgroundImage' => ['path', 'mode'],
'addOverlay' => ['path', 'x', 'y', 'alpha', 'composite', 'origin'],
'addOverlayFit' => ['path', 'composite'],
'applyMask' => ['path'],
'cropPercent' => ['width', 'height', 'x', 'y'],
'grayscale' => [],
'sepia' => [],
'sharpen' => ['radius', 'sigma', 'amount', 'threshold'],
'gaussianBlur' => ['radius', 'sigma'],
'brightnessSaturation' => ['brightness', 'saturation', 'hue'],
'mirror' => ['mode'],
* @param string $format
* @param array $allowed
* @param string $fallback
* @return string
private static function getAllowedFormat($format, $allowed = [], $fallback = 'png')
$typeMappings = [
'jpg' => 'jpeg',
'tif' => 'tiff',
if (isset($typeMappings[$format])) {
$format = $typeMappings[$format];
if (in_array($format, $allowed)) {
$target = $format;
} else {
$target = $fallback;
return $target;
* @param Asset $asset
* @param Config $config
* @param string|resource|null $fileSystemPath
* @param bool $deferred deferred means that the image will be generated on-the-fly (details see below)
* @param bool $generated
* @return array
* @throws \Exception
public static function process(Asset $asset, Config $config, $fileSystemPath = null, $deferred = false, &$generated = false)
$generated = false;
$format = strtolower($config->getFormat());
// Optimize if allowed to strip info.
$optimizeContent = (!$config->isPreserveColor() && !$config->isPreserveMetaData());
$optimizedFormat = false;
if (self::containsTransformationType($config, '1x1_pixel')) {
return [
'type' => 'data-uri',
$fileExt = File::getFileExtension($asset->getFilename());
// simple detection for source type if SOURCE is selected
if ($format == 'source' || empty($format)) {
$optimizedFormat = true;
$format = self::getAllowedFormat($fileExt, ['pjpeg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png'], 'png');
if ($format === 'jpeg') {
$format = 'pjpeg';
if ($format == 'print') {
// Don't optimize images for print as we assume we want images as
// untouched as possible.
$optimizedFormat = $optimizeContent = false;
$format = self::getAllowedFormat($fileExt, ['svg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'tiff'], 'png');
if (($format == 'tiff') && \Pimcore\Tool::isFrontendRequestByAdmin()) {
// return a webformat in admin -> tiff cannot be displayed in browser
$format = 'png';
$deferred = false; // deferred is default, but it's not possible when using isFrontendRequestByAdmin()
} elseif (
($format == 'tiff' && self::containsTransformationType($config, 'tifforiginal'))
|| $format == 'svg'
) {
return [
'src' => $asset->getRealFullPath(),
'type' => 'asset',
} elseif ($format == 'tiff') {
$optimizedFormat = $optimizeContent = false;
if (\Pimcore\Tool::isFrontendRequestByAdmin()) {
// return a webformat in admin -> tiff cannot be displayed in browser
$format = 'png';
$deferred = false; // deferred is default, but it's not possible when using isFrontendRequestByAdmin()
$image = Asset\Image::getImageTransformInstance();
$thumbDir = rtrim($asset->getRealPath(), '/').'/'.$asset->getId().'/image-thumb__'.$asset->getId().'__'.$config->getName();
$filename = preg_replace("/\." . preg_quote(File::getFileExtension($asset->getFilename()), '/') . '$/i', '', $asset->getFilename());
// add custom suffix if available
if ($config->getFilenameSuffix()) {
$filename .= '~-~' . $config->getFilenameSuffix();
// add high-resolution modifier suffix to the filename
if ($config->getHighResolution() > 1) {
$filename .= '@' . $config->getHighResolution() . 'x';
$fileExtension = $format;
if ($format == 'original') {
$fileExtension = $fileExt;
} elseif ($format === 'pjpeg' || $format === 'jpeg') {
$fileExtension = 'jpg';
$filename .= '.' . $fileExtension;
$storagePath = $thumbDir . '/' . $filename;
$storage = Storage::get('thumbnail');
// check for existing and still valid thumbnail
$modificationDate = null;
$statusCacheEnabled = \Pimcore::getContainer()->getParameter('pimcore.config')['assets']['image']['thumbnails']['status_cache'];
if ($statusCacheEnabled && $deferred) {
$modificationDate = $asset->getDao()->getCachedThumbnailModificationDate($config->getName(), $filename);
} else {
if ($storage->fileExists($storagePath)) {
$modificationDate = $storage->lastModified($storagePath);
if ($modificationDate) {
try {
if ($modificationDate >= $asset->getModificationDate()) {
return [
'src' => $storagePath,
'type' => 'thumbnail',
'storagePath' => $storagePath,
} else {
// delete the file if it's not valid anymore, otherwise writing the actual data from
// the local tmp-file to the real storage a bit further down doesn't work, as it has a
// check for race-conditions & locking, so it needs to check for the existence of the thumbnail
} catch (FilesystemException $e) {
// nothing to do
// deferred means that the image will be generated on-the-fly (when requested by the browser)
// the configuration is saved for later use in
// \Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\Controller\PublicServicesController::thumbnailAction()
// so that it can be used also with dynamic configurations
if ($deferred) {
// only add the config to the TmpStore if necessary (e.g. if the config is auto-generated)
if (!Config::exists($config->getName())) {
$configId = 'thumb_' . $asset->getId() . '__' . md5($storagePath);
TmpStore::add($configId, $config, 'thumbnail_deferred');
return [
'src' => $storagePath,
'type' => 'deferred',
'storagePath' => $storagePath,
// transform image
$fileExists = false;
try {
// check if file is already on the file-system and if it is still valid
$modificationDate = $storage->lastModified($storagePath);
if ($modificationDate < $asset->getModificationDate()) {
} else {
$fileExists = true;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
if ($fileExists === false) {
$lockKey = 'image_thumbnail_' . $asset->getId() . '_' . md5($storagePath);
$lock = \Pimcore::getContainer()->get(LockFactory::class)->createLock($lockKey);
$startTime = microtime(true);
// after we got the lock, check again if the image exists in the meantime - if not - generate it
if (!$storage->fileExists($storagePath)) {
// all checks on the file system should be below the deferred part for performance reasons (remote file systems)
if (!$fileSystemPath) {
$fileSystemPath = $asset->getLocalFile();
if (is_resource($fileSystemPath)) {
$fileSystemPath = self::getLocalFileFromStream($fileSystemPath);
if (!file_exists($fileSystemPath)) {
throw new \Exception(sprintf('Source file %s does not exist!', $fileSystemPath));
if (!$image->load($fileSystemPath, ['asset' => $asset])) {
throw new \Exception(sprintf('Unable to generate thumbnail for asset %s from source image %s', $asset->getId(), $fileSystemPath));
$transformations = $config->getItems();
// check if the original image has an orientation exif flag
// if so add a transformation at the beginning that rotates and/or mirrors the image
if (function_exists('exif_read_data')) {
$exif = @exif_read_data($fileSystemPath);
if (is_array($exif)) {
if (array_key_exists('Orientation', $exif)) {
$orientation = (int)$exif['Orientation'];
if ($orientation > 1) {
$angleMappings = [
2 => 180,
3 => 180,
4 => 180,
5 => 90,
6 => 90,
7 => 90,
8 => 270,
if (array_key_exists($orientation, $angleMappings)) {
array_unshift($transformations, [
'method' => 'rotate',
'arguments' => [
'angle' => $angleMappings[$orientation],
// values that have to be mirrored, this is not very common, but should be covered anyway
$mirrorMappings = [
2 => 'vertical',
4 => 'horizontal',
5 => 'vertical',
7 => 'horizontal',
if (array_key_exists($orientation, $mirrorMappings)) {
array_unshift($transformations, [
'method' => 'mirror',
'arguments' => [
'mode' => $mirrorMappings[$orientation],
if (is_array($transformations) && count($transformations) > 0) {
$sourceImageWidth = PHP_INT_MAX;
$sourceImageHeight = PHP_INT_MAX;
if ($asset instanceof Asset\Image) {
$sourceImageWidth = $asset->getWidth();
$sourceImageHeight = $asset->getHeight();
$highResFactor = $config->getHighResolution();
$imageCropped = false;
$calculateMaxFactor = function ($factor, $original, $new) {
$newFactor = $factor * $original / $new;
if ($newFactor < 1) {
// don't go below factor 1
$newFactor = 1;
return $newFactor;
// sorry for the goto/label - but in this case it makes life really easier and the code more readable
foreach ($transformations as &$transformation) {
if (!empty($transformation) && !isset($transformation['isApplied'])) {
$arguments = [];
if (is_string($transformation['method'])) {
$mapping = self::$argumentMapping[$transformation['method']];
if (is_array($transformation['arguments'])) {
foreach ($transformation['arguments'] as $key => $value) {
$position = array_search($key, $mapping);
if ($position !== false) {
// high res calculations if enabled
if (!in_array($transformation['method'], ['cropPercent']) && in_array($key,
['width', 'height', 'x', 'y'])) {
if ($highResFactor && $highResFactor > 1) {
$value *= $highResFactor;
$value = (int)ceil($value);
if (!isset($transformation['arguments']['forceResize']) || !$transformation['arguments']['forceResize']) {
// check if source image is big enough otherwise adjust the high-res factor
if (in_array($key, ['width', 'x'])) {
if ($sourceImageWidth < $value) {
$highResFactor = $calculateMaxFactor(
goto prepareTransformations;
} elseif (in_array($key, ['height', 'y'])) {
if ($sourceImageHeight < $value) {
$highResFactor = $calculateMaxFactor(
goto prepareTransformations;
// inject the focal point
if ($transformation['method'] == 'cover' && $key == 'positioning' && $asset->getCustomSetting('focalPointX')) {
$value = [
'x' => $asset->getCustomSetting('focalPointX'),
'y' => $asset->getCustomSetting('focalPointY'),
$arguments[$position] = $value;
if (!is_string($transformation['method']) && is_callable($transformation['method'])) {
} elseif (method_exists($image, $transformation['method'])) {
call_user_func_array([$image, $transformation['method']], $arguments);
$transformation['isApplied'] = true;
if ($optimizedFormat) {
$format = $image->getContentOptimizedFormat();
$tmpFsPath = File::getLocalTempFilePath($fileExtension);
$image->save($tmpFsPath, $format, $config->getQuality());
$stream = fopen($tmpFsPath, 'rb');
$storage->writeStream($storagePath, $stream);
if (is_resource($stream)) {
if ($statusCacheEnabled) {
if ($imageInfo = @getimagesize($tmpFsPath)) {
$asset->getDao()->addToThumbnailCache($config->getName(), $filename, filesize($tmpFsPath), $imageInfo[0], $imageInfo[1]);
$generated = true;
$isImageOptimizersEnabled = PimcoreConfig::getSystemConfiguration('assets')['image']['thumbnails']['image_optimizers']['enabled'];
if ($optimizedFormat && $optimizeContent && $isImageOptimizersEnabled) {
new OptimizeImageMessage($storagePath)
Logger::debug('Thumbnail ' . $storagePath . ' generated in ' . (microtime(true) - $startTime) . ' seconds');
} else {
Logger::debug('Thumbnail ' . $storagePath . ' already generated, waiting on lock for ' . (microtime(true) - $startTime) . ' seconds');
// quick bugfix / workaround, it seems that imagemagick / image optimizers creates sometimes empty PNG chunks (total size 33 bytes)
// no clue why it does so as this is not continuous reproducible, and this is the only fix we can do for now
// if the file is corrupted the file will be created on the fly when requested by the browser (because it's deleted here)
if ($storage->fileExists($storagePath) && $storage->fileSize($storagePath) < 50) {
$asset->getDao()->deleteFromThumbnailCache($config->getName(), $filename);
return [
'src' => $storagePath,
'type' => 'deferred',
return [
'src' => $storagePath,
'type' => 'thumbnail',
'storagePath' => $storagePath,
* @param Config $config
* @param string $transformationType
* @return bool
private static function containsTransformationType(Config $config, string $transformationType): bool
$transformations = $config->getItems();
if (is_array($transformations) && count($transformations) > 0) {
foreach ($transformations as $transformation) {
if (!empty($transformation)) {
if ($transformation['method'] == $transformationType) {
return true;
return false;